Happy Pride Month!

Dental Care

Dental Care

Your pet’s world revolves around its mouth.

Regular dental care is essential for keeping your pet healthy and happy. Dental disease is a common issue among household pets that can lead to serious health problems if left untreated.

We believe regular dental cleanings are vital to preventing periodontal disease. At Wildwood Veterinary Clinic, we strive to make our routine dental cleanings affordable so that we can provide this service to your pet on a regular basis. We prefer routine dental cleanings over future extractions and we are sure your pet does, too!

One of the earliest signs of periodontal disease is gingivitis. If you notice redness or swelling of the gums it may be time for a cleaning. Gingivitis is a stage of periodontal disease that is reversible.  Don’t wait until it is too late to preserve your pet’s dentition.

Wildwood Veterinary Clinic offers complete pet oral health Services, including:

  • Ultrasonic scaling and polishing
  • Digitial dental xrays performed on all cleanings
  • Prescription dental diets to prevent periodontal disease
  • Education on home care to prevent periodontal disease

Non-Anesthetic Dental Cleanings

If you are intersted in non-anesthetic dental cleaning options, we recommend you read the American Veterinary Dental College position on the dangers of companion animal dental scaling without anesthesia.

Before Dental Cleaning
Before Dental Cleaning


After Dental Cleaning
After Dental Cleaning


please call 503-477-4757 to Schedule Appointment